Les Halles carpark
Renovation of an iconic building
Société d’Economie Mixte (SEM) Lyon Parc Auto (LPA)
Groupement MOE
Paysagiste : Anne-Laure Giroud
Fluides : Barbanel
Structures : Concrete
William Wilmotte
Rooftop : september 2018 - july 2019
Carpark : april 2019 - october 2019
Built in 1970, les Halles carpark is an iconic building of Part-Dieu district. Its structure was designed by French architects Charles Delfante and Jean Zumbrunnen. Renovation work consists in renovating the inner part of the carpark, as well as bringing new services and art to the city. The carpark will be connected to the new Renée Richard square.
New multimodal services
LPA program aims at turning the carpark into a site offering diverse multimodal services including :
- electrical motobike for rent,
- a bikepark,
- an urban logistic site in the basement with delivery service
A green rooftop open to the public
This landscaped rooftop will include a refreshment bar, a garden and a work of art inspired by the helicoidal shape of the carpark. The rooftop will be open until 22pm in the evening. The public will have access to this place to admire the work of art and discover stunning views of the city.
“Inarchitectures”, a project to bring art in the city
The work of art of lyonnais artist Mengzhi Zheng will start on the roof and will be unfolded into the carpark. It will also be integrated into the furniture on the rooftop.
In a few numbers
1800 m² of green rooftop
470 places for cars
107 places for bikes
380 m² dedicated to urban logistic